University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Skotlandia (Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing Strategy)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (Master of Industrial Management)
Research Interest:
Brand Value Management, Value-Based Marketing, Community Marketing, Collaborative Tourism, Co-Creation Value, Experiential Marketing
Published Papers
- Segmentation of the Tourism Market for Jakarta Classification of Foreign Visitors' Lifestyle Typologies
Tourism Management Perspectives Journal Volume 19 Part A, July (2016) pp : 32–39 ; Elsevier Publisher. Author: Tara Farina, Srihadi, other author: Hartoyo, Dadang Sukandar, Agus W. Soehadi
- How to Measure Relationship Value in Principal-Retailer Context
Journal of Distribution Science Vol. 19 Issue 1. (2021) pp. 37–47. Korea Distribution Science Association (KODISA). Author: Prasetya, P., Najib, M., Soehadi, A.W.
- Intra-family succession insights: the presence of millennial cohort successors
Journal of Family Business Management Vol. 11 Issue 1. (2021) pp. 107–135. Emerald Publishing. Author: Hidayati, A., Hermawan, A., Soehadi, A.W., Hartoyo,
- Conveying pre-visit experiences through travel advertisements and their effects on destination decisions
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management Vol. 16 (2020). Elsevier. Author: Tercia, C., Teichert, T., Sirad, D., Soehadi, A.
- Value co-creation for innovation: evidence from Indonesian Organic Community
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Vol. 32 Issue 2 (2020). Emerald Publishing. Author: Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., Soehadi, A.W.
- Value Co-Creation For Marketing Innovation: Comparative Study In The SME Community
International Journal of Innovation Management Vol. 24 Issue 3 (2020). World Scientific Publishing. Author: Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., Soehadi, A.W.
- Value Co-Creation Platform In Indonesian SME Community: SDL Perspective
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship Vol. 25 Issue 2 (2020). World Scientific Publishing. Author: Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., Soehadi, A.W.
- New taxonomy of relationship value and the moderating effect of relationship age: An empirical study in manufacturer-retailers partnership
Management Science Letter Vol. 10 Issue 16 (2020) pp: 3821–3832. Growing Science. Author: Prasetya, P., Najib, M., Soehadi, A.W.
- Value Co-Creation For Marketing Innovation: Comparative Study In The SME Community
International Journal of Innovation Management (2019). International Society of Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). Author: Widjojo, H., Other Author: Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., & Soehadi, A. W.
- Conveying pre-visit experiences through travel advertisements and their effects on destination decisions
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (2019). Elsevier Publisher. Author: ChristianaTercia, other authors: Thorsten Teichert., Dini Sirad., Agus W. Soehadi
- Segmentation of the Tourism Market for Jakarta Classification of Foreign Visitors' Lifestyle Typologies
Tourism Management Perspectives Journal Volume 19 Part A, July (2016) pp: 32–39; Elsevier Publisher. Author: Tara Farina, Srihadi, other author: Hartoyo, Dadang Sukandar, Agus W. Soehadi
- Brand Equity Model of Jakarta As An International Tourist Destination
Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Sciences - Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Sciences, ICIBSoS (2014). pp: 421-327. Author: Agus W. Soehadi.
- Measuring Market Orientation in The Indonesian Retail Context
Journal of Strategic Marketing (2001). Vol 9 Issue 4, pp: 285-299. Routledge. Author: Agus W. Soehadi. Other authors: Susan Hart., Steve Tagg.
- The Relationships Between Supplier Partnerships, Environmental Variables, and Firm Performance in Retail Industry
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business (2003). Vol 5 no. 2, pp: 162-188. Gadjah Mada University. Author: Agus W. Soehadi.
- Can A Knowledge Sharing Platform Without A Brand Community Platform Contribute To The Brand Community Commitment?
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi : Indonesian Journal for The Science of Management P-ISSN 1412-1700 E-ISSN 2089-7928 Vol 12 no 1 2013 pp. 88-101. Author: Agus W. Soehadi., other author: Antonius Widyatma Sumarlin, Budi Suharjo, Heny K Daryanto
- Dampak Aspek Emosional Konsumen terhadap Brand Loyalty.
Asian Journal of Entrepreneurship and Family Business, Vol. 1, No. 1 Agustus (2017) pp: 47-62. Authors: Delano A. Yonantha, other author: Rahardian Herdanto; Agus W. Soehadi; B. Realino Yudianto.
- Characteristics and Preferences of Green Consumer Stratification As Bases to Formulating Marketing Strategies of Ecolabel-Certified Furniture
Social and Environmental Accounting (2012). Vol 6 No. 1, pp: 123-141. Author: Ririn Wulandari., Other authors: Budi Suharjo., Agus W. Soehadi., Herry Purnomo.
Google Scholar SINTA Scopus
2020 - Now
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
2016 - Feb 2020
Dean School of Business and Economics
2018 - 2020
Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS) - Schools (AAPBS) Council
2013 - Present
Project Head Doctoral Program Prasetiya Mulya
2010 - Present
International Accepted Marketing Standard (IAMS) - Board of Members (Indonesia Representative)
2009 - Present
Indonesian Brand Development Institute (IBDI) - Founder
International Advertising Association (Chapter Indonesia) - VP Education
2007 - Present
Indonesian Consumunity Expo (ICE) - Founder
2006 - Present
National Team Leader GEM Indonesia - Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
Vice-Chairman - Indonesia Training & Courses Assembly (HIPKI)
2006 - 2009
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) - National Team Leader GEM Indonesia
2006 - 2008
National Security Council (Wantanas) - External Expert
Indonesia Training & Courses Assembly (HIPKI) - Vice Chairman
2004 - Present
Academic Position Professor of Marketing Prasetiya Mulya Business School
2002 - Present
Majalah SWA, Mix, Marketing, Cakram, Prospektif, Expert Opinion
Journal of Management Prasetiya Mulya. Member of Editorial Board
Journal of Marketing Science, Universitas Diponegoro, Member of Editorial Board
2001 - 2005
Journal of Marketing Management, University of Strathclyde - Guest Reviewer
1990 - Present
Faculty Member in Marketing Department
University of Indonesia
1991-1997 Adjunct Lecturer Faculty of Information
2002-Now Adjunct Lecturer Doctoral Program FE University of Indonesia
Bogor Institute of Agriculture
2007 - Now Adjunct Lecturer Doctoral Program IPB
Majalah SWA, Mix, Marketing, Cakram, Prospektif
2002 - Now Expert Opinion
Majalah Info Bisnis
2002 - 2003 - Member of Editorial Board
Journal of Marketing Science, Universitas Diponegoro
2002 - 2007 - Member of Editorial Board
The Jakarta Post
2003 -2004 - Contributor
Global Consulting Service
2003 - 2005 - Senior Advisor
Pijar-Pijar Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia (Co-Author), Prasetiya Mulya Publishing 2011.
Published Writings:
- Analisis Pengaruh Overall Experience Terhadap Memorable Tourism dan Revisit Intention. GARUDA (Global Research on Tourism Development and Advancement), [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 96-118, Mar. 2021.
- SMART TOURISM: A CONCEPTUAL MODEL Proceeding, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, dec. 2019.
- Kajian Peran Perguruan Tinggi Terhadap Komitmen Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Seminar Nasional dan Call For Papers RIEE 2016
- The Power of Brand Aura: Discover Your Brand Believers. Prasetiya Mulya Publishing 2014.
- "Strategi Kolaborasi Wisata dalam Peningkatan Keunggulan Destinasi Wisata" Forum Manajemen Indonesia, Oktober 2013.
- Marketing Strategy Series: Consumunity Marketing: Strategi Pemasaran Berbasis Komunitas. Prasetiya Mulya Publishing. 2013.
- "Membangun Aura Sebuah Brand", Kontan Edisi 11-17 Februari 2013
- "Strategi Co-Creation Perusahaan-Komunitas", Majalah SWA Edisi 3 Februari 2013
- Marketing Strategy Series: A Value Creation Approach, Prasetiya Mulya Publishing 2012.
- "Marketing Sebagai Panggung Permainan", Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, Edisi Desember 2012.
- “Era Pemasaran Kotler Berakhir” Kontan Edisi 16, 16-23 Januari 2012
- Pijar-Pijar Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia (Co-Author), Prasetiya Mulya Publishing 2011.
- “Partisipasi Konsumen” Kontan. Edisi 4 – 10 Juli. No. 41. – XV. 2011
- EDC Prasetiya Mulya on Entrepreneurship Education. Seri Kewirausahaan 1. Prasetiya Mulya Publishing. 2011
- "The New Business Model Strategy: Berbisnis dari Komunitas Konsumen", Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, XXIV (06), Nov-Des 2010
- “Doing Good is a Good Business”, Majalah SWA 10/XXVI/ 12-1 5 Mei, 2010.
- “Communomics: Ekonomi Berbasis Komunitas”, Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, XXIV (02), Maret-April 2010, 112-117.
- “Konsumunitas Mendorong Consumer Generated Brand Content”, Majalah Mix, 11 (VI) November 2009, 69-70.
- “Siapkah Perusahaan Berbagi Dengan Komunitas?” SWA 24/XXV, November 2009, 38-39.
- The Community Theory: Contribution of Consumer Community to Producer”, (Co-Author) AM Conference Proceedings, Abeerden, Scotland, 7-10 July 2008.
- “Peran Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Mencetak Entrepreneur Terdidik:Kontributor Kebangkitan Ekonomi Bangsa” Majalah SWA, Mei 2008.
Conference, talks, speaking, & engagements:
- “BFI 5th Anniversary Celebrations in Conjunction with STEP APAC Summit 2018”, Singapore Management University, July 2018
- The 1st APIEM Senior Meeting, Bandung, March 2018
- AACSB International Information Session, August 2018
- Speaker - Festival dan Expo Produk UMKM Malang, Januari 2018
- Judges - Marketing Awards 2018, Juli 2018
- National Council - IMSA, Universitas Indonesia
- Chief Editor - Asian Journal of Entrepreneurship and Family Business
- Writer - Community-Based Entrepreneurship: A Community Development Model to Boost Entrepreneurial Commitment in Rural micro Enterprises, June 2018
- Judges - BUMN Branding & Marketing Award, November & December 2017
- Judges - Property Innovation Award 2017, September 2017
- Pernyaji - Orasi Ilmiah Wisuda Universitas Pancasila, Mei 2017
- Speaker - Seminar Nasional "Pembaruan Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia", Maret 2017
- Writer - Buku "Dare to Dream Big", Maret 2017
- Reviewer - The 10th Conference on Business and Management Research (ICBMR), June 2016
- Reviewer - The role of social influence and brand identity in building consumer-brand relationships in emerging marketing, ANZMAC 2016 Conference
- Guest Reviewer - Gajah Mada International Journal of Business, November 2016
- Chief of Research - "How Pre-visit Experience Influences Person's Intention to Visit a Tourism Destination", September 2016
- Penyaji - The New Strategic Brand Engagement: How to Grab Emotional & Experience of Customers in Digital Era, Indonesia Brand Summit 2016. 29 Maret 2016. Hotel Mulia Jakarta
- Judges - Marketing Award, Jakarta, 20 Juli 2016
- Penyaji - Orasi Ilmiah Wisuda ke-49, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, 21 Mei 2016
- Judges - Penghargaan Primaniyarta 2016, Kementerian Perdagangan, September 2016
- Speaker - Seminar Nasional Jurusan Manajemen, STIE Bina Bangsa, November 2016
- Pemakalah - Seminar Nasional dan Call for Papers "Strategi Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan Untuk Membentuk Wirausaha Tangguh dan Berdaya
- Saing Tinggi", Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang, 3 - 4 Mei 2016
- Pemakalah - Segmentation of The Tourism market for Jakarta: Classification of Foreign Visitors' Lifestyle Typologies, Elsevier, Maret 2016
- Advisor - Pendidik Kewirausahaan Indonesia, Februari 2016