Cerita Prasmul
Last Day to Vote New Candidates of Presidents and Vice President Accounting Students Association 2016/2017

Last Day to Vote New Candidates of Presidents and Vice President Accounting Students Association 2016/2017

Dear Accounting Students, jangan lupaa..ini hari terakhir untuk milih Kandidat President and Vice President Akuntansi, lo


Berikut dua kandidat President and Vice President Accounting Students Association 2016/2017 :

Kandidat #1 : Mariska Regina (Accounting 2014) dan Gloria Singyi (Accounting 2015)

Kandidat #2 : Renato Bernard (Accounting 2014) dan Michelle Priscilla (Accounting 2015).

Kedua tim sudah melakukan kampanye pada 20-24 Juni 2016 dan periode voting telah berlangsung sejak 27 Juni hingga hari ini, 29 Juni 2016.


May the best candidates wins! 🙂


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