Prof. Ir. Elliot Simangunsong, M.M., Ph.D.

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya > Sekolah Bisnis dan Ekonomi > Prof. Ir. Elliot Simangunsong, M.M., Ph.D.

Prof. Ir. Elliot Simangunsong, M.M., Ph.D.

Elliot Simangunsong adalah staf pengajar di Prasetiya Mulya Business School. Beliau memperoleh gelar Ph.D dalam Ilmu Manajemen di Lancaster University Management School, United Kingdome; gelar MBA di Universitas Indonesia; dan gelar B.S di Institut Pertanian Bogor jurusan Teknik Industri, Indonesia. Dia juga seorang profesional SCM bersertifikat yang didukung oleh ITC. Di Prasetiya Mulya, beliau adalah peneliti utama Center for Asian Supply Chain Competitiveness dengan kegiatan termasuk penelitian teoretis dan terapan dalam rantai pasokan dengan perspektif Asia, menyelenggarakan konferensi reguler dan dialog bisnis. Karya ilmiahnya telah dipublikasikan di Jurnal Internasional terakreditasi peer-reviewed (IJPR) dan Jurnal Lokal terakreditasi teratas (SEAM & JMT).

Dr. Elliot adalah kolumnis reguler untuk majalah dan surat kabar berorientasi bisnis populer seperti Fortune Indonesia dan Kontan. Beliau juga menulis buku pelatihan Purchasing and Supply Chain Management for ITC (International Trade Centre) Program Sertifikasi PSCM, dan salah satu penulis kontributor buku populer ‘Prasetiya Mulya on Innovation’ (Prasetiya Mulya Publishing 2010). Elliot juga telah menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk pelatihan dan layanan konsultasi untuk perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia termasuk Astra International, BCA, Bank Mandiri, BTN, KKG Gramedia, Pertamina, Palyja, Sinarmas, Triputra Group dan masih banyak lagi. Keahliannya terutama dalam manajemen operasi, manajemen rantai pasokan, dan manajemen teknologi & inovasi.

Intellectual Contributions
Academic Activities
  • Lancaster UniversityLancaster University
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Management Science

Research Interest: Developing Purchasing & Supply Strategy, Value Optimization of Supply Networks, Logistics Management (Inventory, Warehouse, and Transportation), Lean & Agile Operations Management, Lean Six Sigma, Business Process Design and Improvement, Effective Negotiation in Business, Effective Social Media Operations in Business Ecosystem, Management of Technology & Innovation, Qualitative Analysis and Business Intelligence.

Published Writings:

  • Learning Style Preference: Results of Repetitive Cross-Sectional Surveys in an Higher Education Institution
    Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI), Vol. 9 No. 4, December 2020. Author: Elliot Simangunsong
  • The factor analysis of demographic, purchasing behavior, and customer satisfaction of budget hotel
    BISMA (Bisnis dan Manajemen) Volume 13 Issue 2, April 2021 Page 121-134. Author: Elliot Simangunsong
  • Investigation and Analysis of Omnichannel Logistics Models: A Study in The Electronic Retail Industry in Indonesia
    Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (OSCM), Volume 14, Issue 2, 2021. Author: Elliot Simangunsong, other authors: Ivan Subagyo
  • Learning Style Preference: Results of Repetitive Cross-Sectional Surveys in a Higher Education Institution
    Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI), Volume 9 Nomor 4 Desember 2020. Author: Elliot Simangunsong
  • The Role of Social Media in Indonesia for Business Transformation Strategy
    International Research Journal of Business Studies | vol. XIII no. 01 (April – July 2020). Author: Elliot Simangunsong, other authors: Rudy Handoko 
  • Cyberbullying: Identification of Factors Affecting the Quality of Higher Education in Indonesia
    Education, Sustainability & Society (ESS) 3(1) (2020) 15-19. Author: Elliot Simangunsong
  • Responsible Purchasing in Indonesia: Identification of Drivers and Barriers
    International Journal of Business and Society (2018). Vol 19 No. 2, pp: 385-398. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Managing Supply Chain Uncertainty with Emerging Ethical Issues
    International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2016), Vol 36 Issue: 10, pp.1272-1307. Author: Elliot Simangunsong; other authors: Linda C. Hendry, Mark Stevenson.

  • Supply Chain Competitiveness in Food Industry: An Indonesian Case
    Supply Chain Design and Management for Emerging Markets. Springer, Cham (2015). Author: Febransyah A; other authors: Simangunsong E.

  • Supply Chain Uncertainty: A Review and Theoretical Foundation for Future Research
    International Journal of Production Research. (2012), Vol 50 No. 16, pp. 4493-4523. Taylor & Francis, London. Author: E. Simangunsong., L.C. Hendry; other authors: M. Stevenson.

  • Factors Determining The Quality Management of Higher Education: A Case Study at a Business School in Indonesia
    Cakrawala Pendidikan (2019). Vol. 38, No. 2. Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan UNY. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Generation-Z Buying Behaviour in Indonesia: Opportunities for Retail Business
    MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen (2018). Vol 8 No. 2, pp: 243-253. Pascal UMB. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Analyzing Project Management Maturity Level in Indonesia
    The South East Asian Journal of Management (2013), Vol 7 No. 1. Author: E. Simangunsong., other authors: Elisabeth N. D. S.

  • Supply Chain Uncertainty: Linking Sources of Uncertainty and Management Practices
    Thesis (2010). Lancaster University. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Social Media & Internet: A Study in Start Up Companies
    Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (2016), Vol 18 No. 2, pp. 145-151. Petra Christian University. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Analysing Parallel Interaction in Supply Chains: An Empirical Study
    Konferensi Nasional Riset Manajemen VII (2013), Vol 6 No. 3 pp: 171-184. Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Product Characteristic Uncertainty in Supply Chains-cases from the Food Industry
    Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi (2012), Vol 11 No. 1 pp: 1-14. Institut Teknologi Bandung. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Determinants of Customer Satisfaction of Budget Hotels in Indonesia
    International Conference of Economic Studies 2018 (ICOES). Simalungun University (2018). Speaker: E. Simangunsong.

  • Generation-Z Consumer Classification Using Cluster Analysis Method
    i-CoME – International Conference on Management & Entrepreneurship (2018). Petra Christian University. Speaker: E. Simangunsong.

  • Responsible Purchasing in Indonesia: Identification of Drivers and Barriers
    i-CoME – International Conference on Management & Entrepreneurship (2017). Denpasar, Bali. Speaker: E. Simangunsong. Speaker: E. Simangunsong.

  • The Effect of Social Media and the Internet on Business Ecosystem and Operations: A Study in Start-Up Companies
    Konferensi Nasional Riset Manajemen X – Akselerasi Daya Saing Menuju Keunggulan Organisasi yang berkelanjutan (2016). PPM School of Management & Universitas Mataram. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • The Effect of Social Media & Internet on Business Ecosystem and Operations: A Study in Start-up Companies
    Konferensi Nasional Riset Manajemen X (2016). Lombok. Speaker: E. Simangunsong.

  • An Empirical Study of Felder and Silverman’s ILS in Undergraduate Program of ABC University to Increase Quality & Education Processes
    2nd Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (2014), Vol 1. Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Analyzing Uncertainty Models in Supply Chain Research
    Jurnal Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya (2007), Vol 12 no. 1, pp. 45-53. Prasetiya Mulya Publishing. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Perencanaan Produksi dan Pengendalian Mutu di PMS Bah Jambi Kebun Bah Jambi PT. Perkebunan VII (PERSERO) Sumatera Utara
    Thesis (1994). Institute Pertanian Bogor. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Prioritas Utama Korporat: Manajemen Operasi Menjawab Tantangan Kritis 2013, Forum Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya (2013), Vol. XXVII/01. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • COO, The Next CEO di Masa Depan, Kontan (2013), No.26-XVII. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Dekomoditasi – Solusi Alternatif Efisiensi, Kontan (2012), No. 22-XVI. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Leagile Operations dalam Bisnis, Kontan (2012), No. 51-XVI. Author: E. Simangunsong.

  • Supply Chain Social Responsibility, Kontan (2011), No. 47-XV. Author: E. Simangunsong

  • Horizontalisasi pengetahuan bisnis, Kontan (2011), No.17-XVIII. Author: E. Simangunsong.


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  • Best Paper Award
    1st International Conference Economics Studies 2018
  • Emerald Literati Awards Winner
    Outstanding & highly commended papers 2017.
  • Fundamental Research Grant
    Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education 2016.
  • Diploma International Certificate in Supply Chain Management
    International Trade Centre (ITC) 2013.
  • International Advanced Certificate in Supply Chain Management
    International Trade Centre (ITC) 2012.
  • Certificate of Research Design in Operations Management
    European Operations Management Association 2008.
  • Certificate as Consultant in International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
    International Trade Centre (ITC) 2005.
  • International Certificate in IT Security Professional & Consultant (CEH)
    EC-COUNCIL 2005.
  • Certificate as Trainer in International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
    International Trade Centre (ITC) 2003.
  • Certificate of Teaching and Writing Cases in International Purchasing and Supply Management
    International Trade Centre (ITC) 2001.

Conference, Talks, Speaking, and Engagements:

  • As a Visited Lecturer: “Community Development Project II” (Cipanas, February 2018).

  • As a Speaker: “Pelatihan Metodologi Riset Kualitatif” (Kalbis Institute, April 2018)

  • As a Reviewer: “Internal Lecturer Research” (Technology & Business Kalbis Institute, Juli 2017).

  • As an Associate on “Community Development 2017” (February 2017).

  • Dosen Kunjung Lapangan (DKL) (Community Development, Program Studi S1 Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, Kecamatan Wanayasa, Purwakarta, Februari 2017).

  • Memberi Pelatihan “Literature Review/Citation” pada Research Boothcamp 2017 (Pusat Riset dan Pengembangan Ekobis SBE Prasetiya Mulya, Maret 2017).

  • As a Speaker: “Seminar Hasil Program Riset Dasar (Penelitian Fundamental) yang sudah selesai tahun 2016” (Risetdikti, Bandung, Maret 2017)

  • As a Reviewer: “Monitoring dan Evaluasi (Monev) Internal Penelitian Sumber Dana DRPM Kemenristekdikti Tahun 2017” (September 2017)

  • As a Participant: “Workshop and Manuscript Writing for Lecturer Qualification Improvement 2016” (Ristekdikti, Agustus 2016).

  • Contributed to Society Submission at Mayak Village ” (Cianjur, February 2016).

  • As a Speaker: “Entrepreneurship Workshop & Seminar” (Mei 2016).

  • As a Speaker: “Qualitative Method Training” (Technologi & Business Kalbis Institute, November 2016).

  • Dosen Kunjungan Lapangan (DKL) (Community Development, Program Studi S1 Manajemen Prasetiya Mulya, Desa Cipetir, Cianjur, Februari 2016).

  • Fasilitator Pelatihan, Pelatihan Riset Kualitatif (Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis, Jakarta, November 2016).

  • Memberi Pelatihan “Manajemen Operasional Usaha Mikro Kecil (UMK)” (Prasetiya Mulya, Mei 2016).

  • Pembicara Seminar Nasional ” Kewirausahaan Berkelanjutan sebagai Pendorong Penjualan UKM di Indonesia” (APTISI,APINDO, dan STIE Prasetiya Mulya, Mei 2015).

  • Kompetensi “ICN Conference 2015” (Student Board, Prasetiya Mulya School of Business & Economics, Mei 2015).

  • Juri Kompetensi “8th Master Journey in Management 2015” (Management Research Center, Department of Management FE-Universitas Indonesia, September 2015).

  • Sebagai Juri pada Kompetisi “7th Master Journey in Management 2014” (Managemen Research Center, Department of Management FE- Universitas Indonesia, April 2014).

  • Sebagai Juri pada Kompetisi “ICN Conference 2014” (Student Board, Prasetiya Mulya School of Business & Economics, Mei 2014).

  • Sebagai Pembicara pada Seminar “Global Fisheries: Strategic Challenges and Opportunities” (Juni 2014).

  • Memberikan Pelatihan “2-Days Workshops Analisis Data Kualitatif Menggunakan Software Atlas” (Pusat ISEI, Oktober 2014).

  • Memberikan Pelatihan “Manajemen Usaha Kecil dan Legalitas Usaha” (Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka di Bogor, Agustus 2014).

  • Memberikan Pelatihan “Oneday FM Training” (STIE Prasetiya Mulya, Februari 2014).

  • Sebagai Juri pada Kompetisi “6th Master Journey in Management 2013” (Managemen Research Center, Department of Management, April 2013).

  • Memberi Pelatihan “Mengidentifikasi 10 Keputusan Penting dalam Manajemen Operasi” (FEMA ITB, Mei 2012).

  • Memberi Pelatihan “Building Career Through Technical & Business Competencies” (FE Universitas Parahyangan, Bandung, September 2012).

  • Memberi Pelatihan “Maximizing Business Model Competitiveness” (PMBS Management Society, Jakarta, September 2012).

  • Memberi Pelatihan “The Chain Strategy to Maximize Entrepreneurial Competitiveness” (Digital Marketing and Technopreneus Institute, Institute Teknologi Telkom Bandung, Desember 2012).

  • Memberi Pelatihan Mutu dan Efisiensi Produksi: “Community Development Project 2” (Februari 2011).

  • Supply Chain Social Responsibility – Definition, Review & Implication for Future Research, Seminar Nasional “BISNIS HIJAU INDONESIA” (2011). Prasetiya Mulya Business School dan APINDO. Author: E. Simangunsong.