Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Energy Conversion Lab

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya > Energy Conversion Lab
Energy Conversion Lab

This lab is dedicated to research in the conversion of biological resources into energy (fuel).


Equipment Usability
  • Bioreactor
    A bioreactor is used to convert raw materials into useful products.
  • GC ( Gas Chromatography) GC-FID
    Gas Chromatography (GC) is an analytical technique used to separate the chemical components of a sample mixture and then detect them to determine their presence or absence and/or how much is present. These chemical components are usually organic molecules or gases. For GC to be successful in their analysis, these components need to be volatile and thermally stable so they don’t degrade in the GC system.
  • Micro GC (Gas Chromatography)
    Micro GC (Gas Chromatography) is an analytical technique used to separate the chemical components of a sample gas and then detect them to determine their presence or absence and/or how much is present.
Courses Using Lab Materials
  • Final Project
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Bioenergy