Student Program in Community Service

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Program pelayanan masyarakat di kampus Prasmul

Studying in college is beyond in-class lectures and activities. In addition to in-class learning, there are numerous additional activities that students can do. One of them that gives a direct impact on students’ lives is the community service program.

In Indonesia, there are only a few campuses that own such programs. Universitas Prasetiya Mulya is one of the few campuses that offers one. Widely known as a business university in Jakarta, Prasmul provides the KKN Comdev program that enables each student to give a direct contribution to society. Every year this program is carried out in different cities.  In February this year, it was held in Kuningan City, West Java.

The objective of community service program

The main objective of the KKM Comdev program is to provide the best solution for Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) business actors in Kuningan after being hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. In total, there were more than 900 Prasmul’s students who directly assisted hundreds of local business people. Kuningan, which is also known as the “City of Horses”, was specifically chosen because there are many MSME, 128,000 to be exact, which are spread across several areas. With a population of around 1.2 million, this city has great potential because it is supported by abundant natural resources.

According to the World Bank, MSME play a very important role in a country’s economy as they represent 90 percent of existing businesses while 50 percent of them provide new jobs around the world. This is a solid reason why MSME must be supported by society so they can continuously support the economy in Indonesia.

As a business school, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya encourages all its students from all majors to take part in programs that support MSME. 

Students’ involvement in this type of program certainly creates an interesting learning process on campus since it provides a myriad of benefits. Let’s get a closer look at those benefits:

Reasons to get involved in community service programs

  1. Improve personal development
    The community service program will give students the opportunity to be exposed to real and various problems experienced by the community. To come up with the right solution, students must be able to empathize, communicate effectively, and apply many important skills, such as leadership and teamwork. These skills, no doubt, are highly valued by the companies where they work in the future.
  1. Own a sense of social responsibility
    Being involved in this type of program will foster students’ desire to willingly give greater meaning to a wider community. It is a great opportunity for students to hone their empathy so that they are always willing to give a positive impact on the lives of others.
  1. Practice theory received in class
    By directly diving into the field, students will have a chance to practice the theory they have learned in class. Various real problems in the community will provide different perspectives that challenge them in finding solutions by considering various economic, cultural, and social factors.
  1. Build networking
    Building networking ideally starts when students are in college. One of the strategies to increase the number of networking while in college is by joining a community service program so that students get a chance to know many alumni and industry and MSME players whom they can work with after graduation. The wider their networking, the brighter their future opportunities and career prospects will be.
  1. Achieve self-satisfaction
    By involving themselves in community service programs, students will get personal satisfaction from gaining knowledge and making a difference in society.

The various benefits mentioned above will certainly arouse students’ interest to take part in this program. There are numerous ways to be involved in the varied programs at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. The first step is by volunteering at many campus events, including fundraising events that aim at positive things. Furthermore, students can join various kinds of workshops and training. By attending these events, students will gain insight that might be valuable for the community. The next step is to take advantage of the resources and programs on campus. With these steps, every Prasmul’s student will have the same opportunity to directly give a real contribution to society.

By studying at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, every student will have a direct role in the community. Why wait? Prasmul is currently opening its new student admissions for all majors. Register now and you can learn how to start a business and have a brilliant future career while giving a concrete contribution to society!