The Importance of Establishing Self-Existence in the Online World

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Membangun eksistensi bisnis di dunia online

Nowadays, countless activities are done through online platforms. Thus, the word “online” is something that is considered dear to our hearts. Starting from buying and selling activities to learning activities on campus, the presence of the virtual. World in today’s society has given so much positive impact that can be enjoyed directly by many; including students. The education system is also provided with numerous advantages with the presence of online learning. Therefore, students must understand why it is crucial to start building their existences in the online world as early as possible.

Reasons Students Should Start Building Their Existences in the Online World Since College

As the world has become more globalized, you need to positively build an existence in the online world as early as the first day you step into your university life. As college students are in a constant race to achieve their dream career, you need to shine brighter and stand out from other candidates.

The online world has a wide and deep track record system that can be traced by local and international companies, including your journey while still studying at the best business university in Indonesia, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

Builing existences in the online world does not require a large amount of money. In fact, there are many online platforms you can take advantages of. For instance, LinkedIn or personal websites or blogs. As a student, you can even start developing your online businesses to support your existence.

According to DataReportal (2022), there was a total number of 4.95 billion active internet users in the world. Meanwhile, DataReportal recorded that in January 2023 the total active internet users in Indonesia were 212.9 million people. This number means that the penetration rate has reached 77%. These numbers show that there is a huge market in Indonesia. Therefore, students must take advantage of this situation to develop their businesses. Developing businesses while pursuing a degree in a university and building their existences in the cyber space since they are in college will certainly give students these additional advantages:

Benefits of Building an Existence in the Virtual World Since College

  1. Building personal branding
    Building a strong personal brand in the virtual world helps students differentiate themselves from their competitors. Constructing strong and consistent personal branding across all platforms, including through their social media profiles, web content, or personal blogs and comments can portray their professionalism and increase a positive impression on potential recruiters.
  1. Expanding networks
    Students can expand their networks by interacting with people in the online world. There are numerous online discussion groups, virtual webinars, or events that students can join and attend. By doing this, students can connect with people who share the same interests. In the long run, it will help students build useful connections for their future careers.
  1. Demonstrating skills through projects
    Social media and other online platforms, such as Instagram and YouTube, allow students to showcase their skills through projects related to their field of interest. For instance, students who are interested in graphic design can share their work on online platforms. Another example would be branding students can start a podcast and give their views on various topics related to branding. One of the success stories comes from a University Prasetiya Mulya’s student, Clarissa Caroline Zhang. Risa, who hadn’t had the slightest interest in make-up, boldly learned about make-up from social media. As a result, she is now a well known beauty influencer with many clients.
  1. Assembling a digital portfolio
    Students can also use online platforms to build their digital portfolio, which include written work, videos, graphics, or other creative projects. Not only does it make it possible to showcase skills and talents, increasing presence on online platforms can also lead to better future careers. Tidak hanya memungkinkan untuk memperlihatkan keterampilan dan bakat, meningkatkan eksistensi di platform online juga bisa mengarah pada pekerjaan yang lebih baik di masa depan bagi mahasiswa.
  2. Mencari pekerjaan online
    Berpartisipasi di forum online atau mendaftar ke situs pencari kerja online dapat membantu mahasiswa menemukan pekerjaan atau kesempatan kerja sampingan. Melalui eksistensi digital yang kuat, mahasiswa dapat membuat koneksi yang berguna dengan perusahaan atau merek yang mencari kandidat potensial.

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya selaku kampus bisnis terbaik tentunya mendorong semua mahasiswa untuk eksis di digital online agar bisa mendapatkan beragam manfaat diatas dan bermanfaat untuk masa depannya. Selain itu, kampus ini juga menyediakan program beasiswa kuliah swasta yang bisa dimanfaatkan semua orang. Dengan adanya beasiswa maka calon mahasiswa terpilih akan mendapatkan beasiswa selama kuliah hingga lulus menjadi sarjana. Penasaran dengan beasiswa S1 2023 ini? bisa cek di website resmi atau datang langsung ke kampus untuk informasi beasiswa lebih lanjut.