Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM)

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya > Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM)

About Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM)

The Directorate of Research and Innovation, or LPPM (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat), at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya is responsible for managing two key university missions: research and community service. LPPM operates under the organizational structure of the Vice Rector 3, which oversees Research, Publication, Student Affairs, and Alumni.

LPPM is divided into two sub-units: the Research Center and the Center for Community Service (PPKM). The Research Center facilitates and manages research activities for Faculty Members and/or students, while the Center for Community Service oversees and supports community service activities conducted by Faculty Members and/or students.

Vision and Mission


To become a leading institution in conducting research and community service, focusing on the downstream application of business, social, and applied STEM knowledge for the nation’s advancement and welfare.


  1. Plan, implement, and evaluate research and community service activities within Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.
  2. Collaborate with external stakeholders to strengthen the execution of research and community service activities.
  3. Disseminate research and community service results through publications in academic journals, books, workshops, and seminars.

Informasi Kontak

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat/Direktorat Riset dan Inovasi Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

BSD City Kavling Edutown I.1
Jl. BSD Raya Utama, BSD City Kode Pos 15339  Kabupaten Tangerang Indonesia

Pusat Penelitian

Telp: (+6221) 305 50 500 Ext. 2791
E-mail: atau

Pusat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Telepon: (+6221) 305 50 500 Ext. 2052
E-mail: atau

Mon – Fri 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

LPPM Activities

LPPM serves as a facilitator, information hub, and coordinator for research and community service initiatives at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

Research Center

The Research Center is dedicated to enhancing both the quality and quantity of research through multidisciplinary and collaborative projects. Key activities include:

1. Internal Grants of Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Annually, the Research Center actively administers internal grants to increase the number of research projects at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. Research proposals submitted to the Research Center undergo a selection and evaluation process by reviewers and subsequently receive funding from the university’s internal resources. These research initiatives are expected to produce valuable scientific publications.

2. External Grants Management

In addition to internal grants, the Research Center encourages Faculty Members to engage in externally funded research. The Research Center actively manages and facilitates the execution of research projects that secure external grants. Moreover, the Research Center regularly disseminates information about external research funding opportunities.

3. Scientific Forums for Enhancing Researcher Competency

Beyond increasing research output, the Research Center is committed to improving research quality by providing platforms for Faculty Members to develop their research skills. This includes organizing workshops and scientific forums, such as Research Talks and Research Clinics, aimed at enhancing Faculty Members’ competencies as researchers.

Center for Community Service (PPKM)

The Center for Community Service plays a crucial role in supporting the enhancement of both the quality and quantity of activities aimed at utilizing research outcomes and the application of appropriate technologies or social/business engineering to advance community life. It also strives to support economic recovery in the post-pandemic era. Community Service activities at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya are conducted collaboratively and across multiple disciplines, involving students in their implementation. The programs managed by the Center for Community Service include:

1. Internal Community Service Grants (Hibah Internal PKM)

Annually, the Center for Community Service (PPKM) conducts a call for proposals for Internal Community Service Grants (Hibah Internal PKM) through a proposal submission process. This activity involves collaboration among lecturers from the SBE, STEM, and SHSI faculties, as well as students. The focus is on enhancing the empowerment of target partners through outreach programs or competency training.

2. External Community Service Grants (Hibah Eksternal PKM)

Annually, the Center for Community Service actively encourages Faculty Members to submit proposals for DIKTI-funded Grants. The Center for Community Service also oversees the implementation of community service activities funded by DIKTI by assisting with the entire administrative process required by DIKTI within Universitas Prasetiya Mulya’s bureaucratic procedures.

3. Workshop

To boost the scientific publication of community service activities, the Center for Community Service (PPKM) organizes workshops aimed at increasing lecturers’ interest and writing skills for PKM journals.

Community Service Guidelines

Research Procedure Guideline