Technopreneur Scholarship in Engineering and Technology

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya offers scholarships for the Bachelor’s Degree programs in Renewable Energy Engineering (REE), Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, and Product Design Innovation (PDI).

This initiative reflects Prasetiya Mulya’s commitment to supporting the younger generation who are innovative, critical thinkers, and creative individuals dedicated to making tangible contributions to the advancement of Indonesia. We aim to nurture change agents who can effectively tackle global challenges.

Eligibility Criteria


Application Process: Test/Non-Test Pathways

Candidates must participate in the admission selection at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, either through the Test or Non-Test pathways. Applications can be submitted through the MyPrasmul account.


Proposal Submission

All students who successfully graduate from one of the three programs mentioned above automatically qualify to submit a proposal for scholarship selection.


Submission Deadline

Proposals must be submitted within five days after the announcement of graduation. The selection process does not require an interview.

Scholarship Benefits

  • Students who submit a proposal and pass the selection will receive a discount ranging from 50% to 100% on the Development Fee.
  • Students who do not submit a proposal are still eligible for a scholarship with a 25% discount on the Development Fee.

This scholarship is available to students who graduate through both test and non-test selection pathways, as well as participants of special events organized by the respective programs.