Tri Harnowo, S.H, M.M, LL.M, M.A.

Head of S1 International Business Law Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Tri Harnowo is a lecturer in the School of Law and International Studies at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. With a deep academic focus on capital markets, competition law, corporate governance, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), and climate change, he has been active in both teaching and research in these fields. His research interests center around the development of legal frameworks that support sustainable corporate governance, fair competition practices, and effective dispute resolution mechanisms, particularly in the context of climate change and capital markets.

He has published numerous articles in reputable journals, addressing key issues in consumer protection, economic crises, and alternative dispute resolution. His publications include works in the Journal of Private and Commercial Law and Corporate and Trade Law Review, offering critical insights into legal and economic challenges faced by corporations.

In addition to his academic duties, Tri Harnowo has been involved in various community service projects, especially in mentoring local SMEs to help them navigate legal challenges and improve their business practices. He is also an active speaker at legal conferences and webinars, sharing his expertise on business law, investor protection, and the legal aspects of digital transformation.


  • Master of Arts in Applied Ethics (MA), Norwegian University of Science and Technology- Norwegia, Linkoping University –Swedia (Erasmus Mundus Scholarship)
  • Master of Law (LL.M) Law and Economics, Utrecht University, Netherlands (Stunned Scholarship)
  • Master of Management (MM) – Finance and Banking specialization University of Indonesia, Faculty of Economics, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Bachelor of Law (SH) Airlangga University, Faculty of Law, Surabaya, Indonesia

Research Activities

Research Interest: Capital Market, Competition Law, Corporate Governance, ADR, Climate Change

Islamic Law and Environment Issues: Indonesian Ulama Council’s Fatwas on Climate Change

Consumer Protection Law: The Case Study of Grabtoko Company in Indonesian E- Commerce Transactions, Journal of Private and Commercial Law, Vol.5, No. 2, 2021

Pendekatan Keadilan Integratif Dalam Membangun Institusi Publik Yang Legitim, Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, (Integrative Justice Approach in Building Legitimate Public Institutions, The Journal of Law &Development), Vol. 51, No. 3, 2021

Economic Crisis as Supervening Event: Legal and Economic Perspectives of Impossibility Doctrine, Corporate and Trade Law Review, Vol 1, Jan-Jun 2021

Penerapan Teori Diskursus Habermas Sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa, Jurnal Mimbar Hukum, (Application of Habermas Discourse Theory as an Alternative to Dispute Resolution, Legal Mulpit Journal), vol. 32, Februari 2020

Peninjauan Ulang Ketentuan Retaliasi sebagai Reformasi Aturan Penyelesaian Sengketa WTO, Jurnal Hukum Internasional (Reconsideration of Retaliation Provisions as a Reform of WTO Dispute Settlement Rules, Indonesian Journal of International Law), vol. 5, no. 2, Januari 2008

Regulasi CSR sebagai Penjamin Keberlangsungan Kehidupan (CSR Regulation as a Guarantor of Sustainable Life), PPH Newsletter, 71, 2007

Sekuritisasi: Sudah Tepatkah untuk Diterapkan di Indonesia? (Securitization: Is it Appropriate to be Implemented in Indonesia?), PPH Newsletter Fiduciary Duty: Analisa Hukum dan Ekonomi, PPH Newsletter, 67, 2006.

Teori Regulasi: Bagaimana Sebenarnya Peraturan Perundang-undangan Terbentuk? (Regulation Theory: How Are Legislation Actually Formed?), PPH Newsletter, 59, 2004.

Scopus Sinta Google Scholar    

Professional Experience


Lecturer in Business Law, Transnational Corporation and Human Rights, Company Law, Investment Law, and Administrative Law. Current position as Head of International Business Law Program.

Feb 2010 – 2018:

Lecturer in Business Law, Business Ethics, and Change Management

Dec 2011 –2018:

Of Counsel

May 2013– Des 2013:

Legal expert

May 2013– Des 2013:

Legal expert

Sept 2010 – Dec 2011:

Legal Specialist

Academics Activities

Editorial Activity:

  • Undang-Undang Kepailitan dan Perkembangannya (Bankruptcy Law and Its Development), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2005. (editor)
  • Hak-hak Kekayaan Intelektual dan Perkembangannya (Intellectual Property Rights and Their Development), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2005. (editor)
  • Mediasi dan Court Annexed Mediation (Mediation and Court Annexed Mediation), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2005. (editor)
  • Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (Money Laundering Crime), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2005 (editor)
  • Undang-undang No. 5/1999 dan KPPU (Law No. 5/1999 and KPPU), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2005. (editor)
  • Perseroan Terbatas dan Good Corporate Governance (Limited Liability Company and Good Corporate Governance), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2005. (editor)
  • Transaksi di Pasar Modal: Obligasi (Transactions in the Capital Market: Bonds), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2005. (editor)
  • Kredit Sindikasi dan Restrukturisasi (Syndicated Credit and Restructuring), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2005. (editor)
  • Transaksi Perdagangan Internasional (International Trade Transactions), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2005. (editor)
  • Revitalisasi Tugas dan Wewenang Kurator/Pengurus, Hakim Pengawas & Hakim Niaga Dalam Rangka Kepailitan (Revitalization of Duties and Authorities of Curators/Managers, Supervisory Judges and Commercial Judges in Bankruptcy), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2004. (editor)
  • Kewajiban Standar Pelaporan Dalam Kepailitan & Perlindungan Kurator dan Harta Pailit (Standard Reporting Obligations in Bankruptcy & Protection of Receivers and Bankrupt Estates), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2004. (editor)
  • Kepailitan dan Transfer Aset Secara Melawan Hukum (Bankruptcy and Unlawful Transfer of Assets), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2004. (editor)
  • Interaksi Antara Arbitrase dan Proses Kepailitan (Interaction Between Arbitration and Bankruptcy Proceedings), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2004. (editor)
  • Teknik Mediasi (Mediation Techniques), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2003. (editor)
  • Penyempurnaan Undang-Undang Kepailitan (Improvement of the Bankruptcy Law), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2003. (editor)
  • Perjanjian-perjanjian Dalam Rangka Restrukturisasi (Agreements in the Framework of Restructuring), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2003. (editor)
  • Arbitrase dan Mediasi (Arbitration and Mediation), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2003. (editor)
  • Undang-undang No. 15/2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (Law No. 15/2002 concerning the
  • Crime of Money Laundering), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2003. (editor)
  • Kurator/Pengurus & Hakim Pengawas: Tinjauan Secara Kritis (Curators/Managers and Supervising
  • Judges: A Critical Review), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2003. (editor)
  • Hasil Evaluasi Putusan Di Bidang Kepailitan (Results of the Evaluation of Decisions in the Field of Bankruptcy), Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, 2003. (editor)

Community Service Activity:

  • MSME Mentoring Program with Almaidah Sari Partners – Alma Catering, 2023 (Program Pendampingan UMKM dengan Mitra Almaidah Sari – Alma Catering, 2023)
  • Program Pendampingan UMKM dengan Mitra Iko Warsika – Mulya Sari, 2023 (MSME Mentoring Program with Partner Iko Warsika – Mulya Sari, 2023)
  • MSME Mentoring with Business Partner Reni Gustini – Quinsfashioncake Cigugur Village, 2022 (Pendampingan UMKM dengan Mitra Usaha Reni Gustini – Quinsfashioncake Desa Cigugur, 2022)
  • MSME Mentoring with Business Partner Evi Novia Dewi – Cipari Village Award, 2022 (Pendampingan UMKM dengan Mitra Usaha Evi Novia Dewi – Anugerah Desa Cipari, 2022)
  • MSME Mentoring with Business Partner Lina Herlina – Cimmy Yoghurt Cipari Village, 2022 (Pendampingan UMKM dengan Mitra Usaha Lina Herlina – Cimmy Yoghurt Desa Cipari, 2022)
  • Speaker in the Politics and Law School Webinar “Legal Umbrella for Investors from the Rampant Fraudulent Investments in Indonesia”, 2022 (Webinar Politic and Law School “Payung Hukum Investor dari Maraknya Investasi Bodong di Indonesia”, 2022)
  • MSME Partner Mentoring of Dais – Pedo, 2021 (Pendampingan Mitra UMKM pada Dais – Pedo, 2021)
  • MSME Partner Mentoring of Dede Kusmiran – Deka29, 2021 (Pendampingan Mitra UMKM pada Dede Kusmiran – Deka29, 2021)
  • MSME Partner Mentoring of Dessy Anita Noviasari Rianto – Miss Foodies, 2021 (Pendampingan Mitra UMKM pada Dessy Anita Noviasari Rianto – Nona foodies, 2021)
  • Speaker in the 2021 PMBLC Webinar Activity “Opportunities and Challenges of Business Law to Changes in the Digital Era, 2021 (Kegiatan Webinar PMBLC 2021” Peluangan dan Tantangan Hukum Bisnis terhadap Perubahan Era Digital, 2021)
  • Speaker in the 2022 Prasetiya Mulya Business Law Competition: “The Important Role of Intellectual Property Rights, 2021 (Kegiatan Prasetiya Mulya Business Law Competition 2022: “Peranan Penting Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, 2021)
  • Speaker in Lexinar I Activity: Consumer Protection for Online Transaction Activities in E-Commerce, 2021 (Kegiatan Lexinar I : Perlindungan Konsumen Kegiatan Transaksi Online di E-Commerce, 2021)
  • Speaker in Lexinar 2.0 Activity – Environmental Cluster, Job Creation Law: Study, Recommendations, and Suggestions, 2020 (Kegiatan Lexinar 2.0- Klaster Lingkungan Hidup, UU Cipta Kerja: Kajian, Rekomendasi, dan Saran, 2020)
  • Speaker at Lexinar 2020 Event: Legality of Using Electronic Documents During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 (Kegiatan Lexinar 2020: Keabsahan Penggunaan Dokumen Elektronik di Masa Pandemi COVID-19, 2020)
  • Mentoring of MSME Partners Bu Januar – Kacang Umpet Sukaresmi Village, 2019 (Pendampingan Mitra UMKM Bu Januar – Kacang Umpet Desa Sukaresmi, 2019)
  • Mentoring of MSME Partners Ibu Rospiah – Kacang Telur Sukaresmi Village, 2019 (Pendampingan Mitra UMKM Ibu Rospiah – Kacang Telur Desa Sukaresmi, 2019)
  • Mentoring of Pak Royani MSME Partners – Sugu Sukaresmi Village, 2019 (Pendampingan Mitra UMKM Pak Royani – Sugu Desa Sukaresmi, 2019)