Universitas Prasetiya Mulya > Rector's Message > Embarking on Fundamental Resetting

Happy New Year 2022 to all members of Prasetiya Mulya community: founders, trustees, supervisors, and the executive board members and employees of Yayasan Prasetiya Mulya; the entire management and workforce of Universitas Prasetiya Mulya; students and would-be students; alumni; partners in the upstream and downstream of higher education value chain. On this joyful moment Universitas Prasetiya Mulya is stepping into the Fourtieth Year of its service to an ever growing group of beneficiaries.

While counting our blessings we are fully aware of the episodic changes confronting humankind these days. How can Universitas Prasetiya Mulya contribute to a greater resilience to natural shocks such as Covid-19 pandemic? How can the roots of a worsening inequality be understood better and brought under control while the race is raging against technology-driven disappearance of old jobs? How can Universitas Prasetiya Mulya serve as an attractor for cooperation in conceiving a homeostatic life style which is required for a diminishing emission of green-house gases and a decelerating global warming? Are we not also challenged to transition to a bio-friendly life rather than being selfishly homocentric? Bridges to East Asia, particularly China, need to be built as well to complement established links with the Occident.

For the next fourty years we will be engaging in what amounts to an exploration of alternative worlds and the building of coalition for the needed re-setting. The latter may look daunting, but with a growing capacity Universitas Prasetiya Mulya is determined to make a meaningful contribution in a similar way in which it has helped raise entrepreneurial and managerial competencies in a meaningful way across spaces and industries.

Creative ideas are invited to make the year of 2022 a year of a gathering momentum for a re-set Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.

Cilandak Jakarta, BSD Tangerang,

January 1, 2022

Djisman Simandjuntak
