
AskPrasmul S1

ASK Prasmul anything! Entering the new era of lectures, there are many questions you may have. Therefore, book a consultation session with Prasmul representatives, and also get a complete explanation, as well as tips about Prasmul – starting from registration, facilities, lecture systems, majors and career prospects, to campus life for Prasmulyans.

Registration Prasmul S1 Entrance Test

Take your first step into the future together with Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. With lectures that always adapt to the times and also pay attention to your interests and talents, make this the first stepping stone for your future to success! #ForYour(next)Page

Ask Prasmul Postgraduate

Are you interested in delving deeper into opportunities, strategies, and business development? ASK Prasmul is here to provide comprehensive information about Prasetiya Mulya's Master of Management Program, student life, and the admissions process. This opportunity is open to those who wish to consult during the weekend or after office hours.