KKN – Community Development Program
The Community Development Program (Comdev) is a tangible manifestation of Community Service (PkM) and a revitalization of the KKN (Field Work Experience) program at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. This program aims to foster social awareness and empathy among students, while improving the well-being of partner communities through managerial capacity building and rural micro-enterprise innovation. It involves S1 students and faculty members of Universitas Prasetiya Mulya and is managed by the Small Business Development Center (PPUK).
Community Empowerment Program
This program applies education and research results that can benefit the community/industry. Scheduled for a semester or more, this program is managed by the PKM unit of each school and the Community Service Center of Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.
Community Outreach Program
Community service activities in the form of outreach or as speakers at seminars, training sessions, or other events at national or international forums. This program, which is incidental (lasting less than a month), is managed by the PKM unit at each school and the Community Service Center of Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.
Research Grants
In 2023, the Research Center managed 8 research projects that received external funding. Research collaboration with external funding in 2023 involved 8 projects, a slight decrease from the previous year, which saw 9 projects. The 2023 target of 9 research collaborations, as outlined in the Universitas Prasetiya Mulya Research Master Plan 2022-2026, was not fully met, with only 8 projects completed at both the national and international levels. This achievement needs improvement in the coming years.
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| Services for In-Country Monitoring and Evaluation support services for Training of Observation for SIDP Trainings in 2021-2022 Phase 1 | | |
| Pompa Air Bertenaga Surya untuk IrigasiMetode Intensifikasi Agrosilvopastura | | |
| Digitalisasi Monitoring Peternakan sebagai Solusi Optimalkan Produktivitas | | |
| Profil Sidik Jari Kopi Berdasarkan Kandungan Mineral untuk Jenis Arabika Gayo dan Lainnya yang Tersertifikasi Indikasi Geografis di Indonesia | | DRPM Kemenristek - Penugasan (World Class Research) |
| Pengembangan Material Maju Berbasis Polilaktida dengan Efek Sinergitas Sistem Stereokompleks dan Nanokomposit | | DRPM Kemenristek - Penugasan (World Class Research) |
| Towards a just energy transition in Indonesia | | Technical University in Denmark (DTU) |
| Services for In-Country Monitoring and Evaluation support services for Training of Observation for SIDP Trainings in 2022-2023 Phase 2 | | |
| Pengembangan Model 3D Transien Multi-Fisik untuk Simulasi Aliran Material dan Perpindahan Panas Proses Manufaktur Aditif Logam Menggunakan Directed Energy Deposition | | |
| Pengembangan Model Prediksi Produkivitas Padi untuk Alternatif Asuransi Pertanian di Indonesia | | |
| PumonAI: Multi Institutional Collaboration via Federated Learning for Pneumonia Screening in Indonesia | | |
| Development of M-ZIF 67 (M = Ni, Cu) as catalyst for production of bio-hydrocarbon fuel from fatty acid | | KIST (Korean Institute Technology) |
| Pelatihan Dan Pengembangan Alat Uji Unjuk Kerja Turbin Angin Modular Untuk Mendukung Ketercapaian Bauran Energi Nasional Tahun 2025 | | |
| CAMI-PCI: Pengebangan Computer Assisted Medical Intervention untuk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Kompleks | | Riset dan Inovasi untuk Indonesia Maju (RIIM) |
| Profil Kromatografi, Spektroskopi, Antioksidan, dan Sensori Kopi Indonesia dengan Berbagai Metode Penyeduhan | | DRPM DIKTI - Fundamental/Dasar (PF) |
| Karakterisasi eksperimental dan numerik stereocomplex-PLA sebagai bahan cetak 3D fabrikasi filamen menyatu produk biokompatibel | | DRPM DIKTI - Fundamental/Dasar (PF) |
| Pengaruh desain antarmuka pengguna aplikasi, deskripsi produk dan kualitas layanan logistik terhadap minat beli konsumen menggunakan aplikasi e-Grocery | | DRPM DIKTI - Disertasi Doktor (PDD) |
| Services for In-Country Monitoring and Evaluation support services for Training of Observation for SIDP Trainings in 2023-2024 Phase 3 | | |
Research Collaboration (Internal Funding)
In addition to external funding, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya also provides internal research funding. The internal research grant competition is held at both the University and School levels, with the difference that University-level research must be multidisciplinary, while School-level research can be monodisciplinary.