Our Research

Research and Innovation

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya remains committed to research and innovation to support the advancement of science and technology. Through collaboration with industry, government, and the international community, the university focuses on developing innovative solutions for global challenges. The university’s advanced laboratories and research centers serve as platforms for researchers and students to explore new ideas, create sustainable technologies, and strengthen the knowledge-based economy. The results of various research projects have been successfully implemented in industries, businesses, and environmental sectors, contributing significantly to the improvement of societal well-being.

Research Performance Achievements 2022-2023

The Research Center continuously encourages faculty members and students to actively engage in research. A total of 12 research projects successfully secured external funding, and internal grants were also executed across each school. The Research Center further encourages faculty to disseminate and publish their findings. These research outcomes have been published in journals, books, popular media articles, intellectual property rights, and disseminated in academic forums or scientific conferences.

Journal and Book Publications
During the period of 2022-2023, 247 articles were successfully published. These include 108 publications in reputable international journals and 109 in accredited national journals. These journals are the result of research conducted by faculty and/or students from SBE, STEM, and SHSI. In addition to these achievements, faculty members were also active in publishing in non-accredited national and international journals. In 2022-2023, faculty members of Universitas Prasetiya Mulya published 70 books, including 53 book chapters and 17 textbooks or other reference books.

Intellectual Property Rights
In 2022-2023, a total of 18 publications were awarded intellectual property rights, with 17 receiving copyright recognition and 1 being awarded a patent. This achievement is something to be maintained and enhanced in the coming years.

Faculty Participation in Conferences
Throughout 2022 and 2023, 60 research projects were disseminated through scientific conferences at both national and international levels. The number of faculty participants in scientific conferences increased, with 19 papers presented in 2022 and 41 papers in 2023. Participation in international conferences significantly exceeded the target, with 35 papers presented compared to the target of 14. This success should be built upon and sustained in the coming years.

Research Collaboration

From 2022 to 2023, the Research Center managed 17 research projects that received external funding for Universitas Prasetiya Mulya (UPM) at both the national and international levels. In addition to external funding, UPM also provides internal research grants. The internal research grant competition is held at both the university and school levels, with the distinction that university-level research must be multidisciplinary, while school-level research can be monodisciplinary. A total of 55 research titles were funded by both internal and external grants.

Research Productivity Enhancement Program

The implementation of continuous and innovative research programs has yielded significant results over the past two years. UPM’s academic community has published 247 journal articles, the majority of which are in reputable international and accredited national journals.

The Research Center has made various efforts to increase interest among faculty and students in conducting research, fostering an academic atmosphere, and encouraging publication, as it has done in previous years. To support these goals, the Research Center organizes scientific activities that not only boost interest but also enhance faculty members’ research competence.

1. Internal Research Grants

The SBE Research Office opened internal SBE research grant submissions in four waves: January, April, July, and October. This four-wave grant submission schedule is an effort to increase research output at SBE.

2. Research Workshops

Workshops organized by the SBE Research Office in 2022 included sessions such as “Preparing for Kemdikbudristek Grants” and foundational research training. One of the main agendas was the 2023 Research Bootcamp Series, beginning with a SEM Training using AMOS, held on August 3-4, 2023, at the Prasetiya Mulya University Cilandak Campus. Sixteen faculty members participated, with training conducted by Hari Sakti Wibowo, M.Si, from the Center for Education & Community Service (P3M). The training focused on applying SEM for research data analysis using AMOS software.



Judul Acara



16 Februari 2022

Research Talk “Memahami Blockchain dan Aplikasinya Pada Masyarakat”

  • Teguh Kurniawan Harmanda 

  • Vinsensius Sitepu 

  • Ambara Purusottama 


12 Mei 2022

Research Talk “Prospek dan Peluang 3D Printing di Indonesia”

  • Adnan A. Syukri 

  • Agus Purwanto 

  • Zaki S. Saldi 


20 September 2022

Research Talk “Eksplorasi Kearifan Lokal sebagai Modal UMKM”

  • Nabilla NovitaYudhistira 

  • B. Realino Yudianto Gracy Sondang 

  • Faizal Ahmad 

  • Sakina Rakhma Diah S. 


22 September 2022 

Research Talk “The Progress and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence: How AI is Shaping the Future of Humanity”

  • Prof. Pitoyo Hartono 


27 September 2022 

Research Talk “Restorative Justice dan Dampak Terhadap Bisnis” 

  • Bambang Widarto 

  • Fathan Qorib 

  • Fathan Qorib 


31 Oktober 2022

Research Talk “Ekonomi Sirkuler: Pilah Pilih Sampah Rumah Tangga dan Makanan” 

  • Holly Minihanova 

  • Mulyadi Setiawan 

  • Ahmad Dardiri 

  • Fati Ramadhanti 

  • Permata Nur M.R.  

  • Luki Safriana 


5 November 2022 

Webinar “Penguatan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional Melalui Industrialisasi Diversifikasi Pangan”

  • Prof. Achmad Subagio 

  • Rinna Syawa 

  • Nurhayati 


7 November 2022

Research Talk “Express Your Feelings Through Art”

  • Teakster 

  • Tina Maladi 


20 Januari 2023 

Research Talk "Mendorong Implementasi Ekonomi Hijau di Indonesia" 

  • Zaki S. Saldi 

  • Muchamad Nafi 

  • Rio Christiawan 

  • Agus Purwanto 

3. To support faculty research activities, the SBE Research Office provides various hardware and software tools. These research-supporting tools include Lisrel 9.3 Academic, NVIVO 11 (single-user license), NVIVO 12 (Dikti grant), MAXQDA 2018 Educational (single-user license), E-views 10 Enterprise Edition Academic, Grammarly Premium Academic, Stata IC 16 Educational, Dell Inspiron Gaming laptops, Canon EOS M100 cameras, Sony HDR CX405 handy cams, Excell tripods, Sony voice recorders (5 units), Logitech laser pointers, and OptionPower K5 (keypads for surveys).

These tools, primarily research software and hardware such as voice recorders and laptops, are used for data collection and analysis.

4. Research Talk



Judul Acara



16 Februari 2022

Research Talk “Memahami Blockchain dan Aplikasinya Pada Masyarakat”

  • Teguh Kurniawan Harmanda 

  • Vinsensius Sitepu 

  • Ambara Purusottama 


12 Mei 2022

Research Talk “Prospek dan Peluang 3D Printing di Indonesia”

  • Adnan A. Syukri 

  • Agus Purwanto 

  • Zaki S. Saldi 


20 September 2022

Research Talk “Eksplorasi Kearifan Lokal sebagai Modal UMKM”

  • Nabilla NovitaYudhistira 

  • B. Realino Yudianto Gracy Sondang 

  • Faizal Ahmad 

  • Sakina Rakhma Diah S. 


22 September 2022 

Research Talk “The Progress and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence: How AI is Shaping the Future of Humanity”

  • Prof. Pitoyo Hartono 


27 September 2022 

Research Talk “Restorative Justice dan Dampak Terhadap Bisnis” 

  • Bambang Widarto 

  • Fathan Qorib 

  • Fathan Qorib 


31 Oktober 2022

Research Talk “Ekonomi Sirkuler: Pilah Pilih Sampah Rumah Tangga dan Makanan” 

  • Holly Minihanova 

  • Mulyadi Setiawan 

  • Ahmad Dardiri 

  • Fati Ramadhanti 

  • Permata Nur M.R.  

  • Luki Safriana 


5 November 2022 

Webinar “Penguatan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional Melalui Industrialisasi Diversifikasi Pangan”

  • Prof. Achmad Subagio 

  • Rinna Syawa 

  • Nurhayati 


7 November 2022

Research Talk “Express Your Feelings Through Art”

  • Teakster 

  • Tina Maladi 


20 Januari 2023 

Research Talk "Mendorong Implementasi Ekonomi Hijau di Indonesia" 

  • Zaki S. Saldi 

  • Muchamad Nafi 

  • Rio Christiawan 

  • Agus Purwanto 

5. Conference Doctoral Colloqium





12 Mei 2022

Exhibition on Business, Applied Science and Technology (Innoscape)


03 – 05 Oktober 2023

Konferensi Nasional RisetManajemen XII Hybrid. Untuk offline dilaksanakan di Kampus Unika Soegijapranata, Semarang 

6. Business Technical Guidance

This technical guidance aims to enhance understanding of various business aspects. It equips participants with practical and strategic knowledge for managing businesses effectively, enabling them to tackle modern business challenges and foster sustainable growth.

Scientific Journal

The scientific journal of Prasetiya Mulya University is an academic publication platform that plays a crucial role in disseminating research findings and scientific studies across various disciplines. Each article published undergoes a rigorous selection process to ensure quality, originality, and scientific relevance. The journal is open to academics, researchers, and professionals with the aim of expanding knowledge and promoting innovation. Through regular publications, the journal makes significant contributions to the advancement of science at both national and international levels.